I've been thinking of updating our little set of nesting tables in the living room for a while now, and yesterday I decided that as the weather was nice I would venture outdoors and begin a bit of a revamp... starting with the little table I use the most first.
As you can see my little table is not in the best of condition. I'm one of those people who can't help but spill their drink. All the time. Every time. I'm terrible. And so the surface is marked as the wood effect is just a laminate it has peeled in places.
The first stage was to give it a couple of coats of ivory chalk paint, like I used in my shabby chic mirror makeover. After a couple of coats of paint all over and they had dried thoroughly I added two layer of clear wax to give it a bit of protection. It was all ready looking better. The last stage was to decoupage the top of the table. I used a vintage print wall paper sample from the DIY store, so this was free! Bargain :-) Two coats of Mod Podge Glossy has sealed the top.
Oooh look, you can just see my toes in the last pic!
Total cost of this make over £1.19 for a tester pot of paint.
I have two other tables to makeover so I will do step-by-step pics for one of those, and maybe take a few better pics.
L x
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